少儿趣味汉语课程级别:少儿入门级、少儿初级、少儿中级课程设置:少儿生活口语、少儿听力、少儿阅读、少儿写作儿童汉语课程适应年龄:8~15岁儿童儿童汉语系列课程简介:根据少儿的认知特点,通过各种场景教学重点培养学员的会话能力,增加交际性练习内容,使用图片、实物图示等手段丰富教材信息,增加交际实感,体现真实、生动、活泼的特点;同时适当地引入一些汉字的教学。通过该课程的学习,学员可以掌握2000多个词汇和1500多个汉字,能够较为流利用中文进行日常对话,阅读短文,并且能了解一定的中国传统文化及风俗习惯。配用教材:《世界少儿汉语》《汉语快车》《趣味汉语》等Young Learners’ Interesting ChineseCourse grades: Threshold, Primary, IntermediateCourse setting: Children Daily Oral Chinese, Children Listening, Children Reading, Children WritingSuitable age: Children from 8 to 15 years oldIntroduction of serous young learners’ Chinese course:Based on young learners’ characteristic, we, Smile Chinese, have a unique teaching method. In order to enhance the feeling of reality, we will use pictures or material objects in the class; and we lay emphasize on the ability of conversation, we will add some exercises about communication; besides, we will also teach some Chinese characters according to the trainees’ Chinese level.After this course, trainees can grasp more than 2000 words and more than 1500 Chinese characters, and the most important achievement is trainees can have fluent conversations about daily life in Chinese, read newspapers as well as understand some Chinese culture and social customs and habits.Teaching material: etc.